November 2019
Facel Vega’s are not the easiest automobiles to restore. In the (about) 30 full restorations Hans Ruhé accomplished over the years, he experienced one thing:: you never know the obstacles you come across!
For some years our customers, specially those who decided to a restoration project with Hans, expressed their confidence, occasionally followed by “what if you’re no longer around”?
So Hans looked around to find a suitable and able partner to share his passion and experience.
We found him: Job Brouwers (and his team), very passionate and experienced, and despite that someone who says that he still has to learn. The name of his enterprise is CLASSIC JOB. Since 2013 we have been combining our skills to restore Facel Vega’s to the best possible level.
We would like to introduce you to his team
Or if you want to more about the cooperation with Job:
One of the great magazines, THOROUGHBRED AND CLASSIC CARS features a series very much to our liking with title: “epic restorations”
The stories are bothe heroïc and narrative indeed!
July 2015 we saw the “making of”such an article in our workshop.
We met Nigel Boothman, the author and Laurens Parsons, the photographer
Per the first of January 2018 Hans Ruhé transferred his Facel Vega activities to classic Job, including the trade name AMICALE FACEL HOLLAND